Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Student counsellors have, in the past, started their placement and the end of their Diploma Course. There are now changes to this system. Student are now starting their placement earlier. Question's are being raised when is the correct time for students to start their placement. Do you have any thoughts?

1 comment:

Jennytc said...

I began my placement at the end of my first year on diploma, which I feel was about right although nerve wracking at the time! Our first unit in second year has been on supervision, which, again has fitted in well, providing the theory to support the new experience of supervision. However, if I could digress a little, several students on my course are having problems finding a placement due to the fact that Chester college seems to have a stranglehold on placements in north Wales. Many counsellors in situ seem to view training done elsewhere as a poor second, and will actually tell potential trainee counsellors seeking placement that they cannot consider them if they are training elsewhere, which I find unprofessional to say the least.